
All translations posted here are non-official fan projects of fruitydeer for personal, non-commercial use. The original content belongs to the authors of these stories while the translated content belongs to fruitydeer. I’m merely here to provide a resource for non-Chinese readers.

Translating is hard work that I do for free and because I enjoy sharing this with you all. So all I ask is for everyone to please, please follow these simple rules:

Do not download, copy, or redistribute without permission. Content on this site is not available for offline reading and may not be removed from or reposted or copied for any reason. This also pertains to re-translating into other languages.

Please respect my wishes and efforts as a translator. This is a labor of love and I would like to continue sharing, so please don’t make me sad by taking my translations off this site.

Linkbacks are welcome.

If you’d like to support the authors, I highly encourage doing so by buying their books or supporting the official editions of their work!

Peony’s Tavern《芍藥客棧》
By Yi Mei Tong Qian (一枚銅錢)
Other Title(s): Flower Demon’s Tavern《花妖客棧》
Genre: Xianxia, Historical, Cultivation
Length: 9 Chapters, 86 Subchapters
Translation Status:
There are two editions of this novel available. One is the original web novel and the other is the version edited and revised for print. This translation will be for the latter.
Memories of a Graceful Reflection猶記驚鴻照影
By Feng Ning Xue Wu (風凝雪舞)
Genre: Palace, Historical, Romance, Angst
Length: 124 Chapters, 1 Prologue, 1 Epilogue, 3 Side Stories
Translation Status: Ongoing
Comments: There are two editions of this novel available. One is the original web novel and the other is the version edited and revised for print. This translation will be for the former.

Three Lives, Three Worlds: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms《三生三世十里桃花》
By Tang Qi Gong Zi (唐七公子)
Other Title(s): Eternal Love, To the Sky Kingdom, Once Upon a Time
Xianxia, Historical, Romance
Translation Status: Complete
Comments: A few of the extra stories that were not released in the English-language edition of the novel. Tang Qi Gong Zi has also been under controversy for plagiarizing parts of the main story, so please read/support at your own discretion.

Ye Hua’s Epilogue: Lifetime Tribulation – 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
A’Li’s Epilogues: The So-Called Reward, The So-Called Formal Name
Your Most Faithful Companion《不二之臣》
By Bu Zhi Shi Ke Cai (不止是顆菜)
Genre: Modern, Romance
Translation Status: Complete
Comments: Just some fun extras from Bu Zhi Shi Ke Cai’s Weibo.

Childhood Playmates AU: The Frontier Poet x Little Golden Canary – 1 / 2 / 3

Disclaimer: I use my own knowledge with the assistance of online references like Google Translate and Chinese-English dictionaries when translating. This is a one-woman team, so if you see any mistakes or inconsistencies, please help a sister out and let me know in the comments!

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